Special Edition 2019
Vision: "Newark Tech will become a national model of educational excellence"
Mission: "To ensure that every student strive to achieve excellence"
Motto: "The Pursuit of Excellence"
R&B is the rhythm and blues of music. R&B was created by African American's in the early 1960s. Those who embraced the new music sound after the disco era was Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones. These talented artists made R&B as popular as it is now. Through the years R&B has been a path for an artist to express their lives with deeper meaning. R&B has been shared throughout the world. The start of R & B was very popular as a new type of genre in the music world. As the years went by R&B was not a hot topic in the media's eye.
Now everybody wants to become a Pop Star, Rapper, or a Hip-Hop artist. 2018 marked a year for R&B to be brought back to life and to once again become a favorite media topic. New artists are making R&B shine, and soon more will start to follow into the footsteps of this genre. The issue features famous artist and a look at the lost art "tap dancing" and the cultural spirit of African dance. Please enjoy glimpses of heritage throughout our website.~ Anaya Spencer