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Eat Neat-Lose the Meat

Have you ever owned a pet? A dog? A fish? Maybe even a snake? If you have answered yes to any one of the following questions then you are a part of the 74-96 million other U.S citizens who also own a household pet. One would like to believe that with a country so invested in the ownership and care of these household animals that they would also take care of the creatures well being and aid in the prevention of their exploitation, but sadly this isn’t the case. Whether being stabbed in the neck and forced to run around in agony until they have bled out to death, or hung upside down for days while still alive drifting in and out of consciousness, everywhere, everyday, every second there is some factory farm taking advantage of these defenseless animals who do not have a voice for themselves to speak out against their own maltreatment. But we could begin to make a change for the better today. Turning your Mondays into a meatless monday will not only help society into becoming aware of animal cruelty, but also diversify your daily lifestyle, so that you refrain from just being that typical high school student. Even without realizing it, you will be making a huge contribution to global awareness of animal cruelty. Plus, cutting those greasy, deep fried, medium rare steaks and what not out of your diet every now and then will do you so much good. From slowing your current aging process to giving you more energy to do all of the teenage activities you love. Don’t worry if you have no idea what to eat on your first Monday of going veggie, Terrier New’s vegan recipe area will be such a great comfort to you. So go meatless on your next Monday, you definitely won’t regret it. Go veggies!

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  Newark Tech High School  91 Market St Newark, NJ 07103

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