"Most teens, excluding myself, care too much about appearance, social media, relationships, cell phones and popularity. So, all those things come to my mind when someone says "looking into the mind of a teen". Today's society is a hypocritical society where if you don't follow something or do certain things, people don't like you, so this is not really liking someone. Teenagers need to understand that all these things are either fake or temporary, so they don't really matter. But sadly, teenagers don't, well, most of the time. I wish that "looking into the mind of a teen" would mean, a teenager who cares about their family, school and being a better version of themselves every day. Now, if someone looks into my mind, that's what they would see. Why? Because I'm a different teen."

"Teenagers cannot live without their phones. Even when they are eating or in the shower. It's becoming a huge problem for our generation. Phones kill our creativity and we waste a lot of time on it. Also, teenagers can't live without social media. They need to post a picture of themselves every week or else they are not going to get likes. Some people get depressed from not getting a lot of likes. Famous scientists already said that this generation is the worst of all. I wish that we never invented phones. We don't have many creative people like we did before. People only care about technology now."

"When thinking about someone "looking into the mind of a teen", social media, cell phone, and friends come to mind. For example, teens tend to think a lot about their appearance and what society thinks. When trying to see into their mind, you wouldn't understand how important social media is to them. Being able to be known by many and be considered pretty by people on social media is a huge deal to teens. Also, when it comes to their cell phones, all they like to do is be on it 24/7 but couldn't even imagine a day without it. Friends are something that teens care a lot about and what they have to say about them. If today a teen stops being friends with those a person called its friend, it would have a huge impact on their life and they would become stressed. This is something that teens go through every day, stress. So, to think like a teen or get into their mind, you need to be willing see and experience stress and see how we cope with it."

"When I think about teens all I can think of is cell phones, makeup, and social media. Teens nowadays are using social media every single day and for every single thing. Teens in my opinion only care about looking good and doing everything that is possible to look like celebrities. This is really bad because it is only causing problems for them. I think that if it were more about family and other things it would be fine but that is not the case. I think that cell phone and social media are causing problems between families and others."

"If someone were to look into my mind it would be easy for them to see my main focus. Even though some aren't listed out of the choices given people would see my main focus are family, friends and social media in that order. My life purpose is to make sure my intermediate family will be rich for generations to come, that's why I strive for more in certain areas. Also, it is pretty clear who my true friends are and how much I care for them and try to help them in life. Lastly, social media is slightly important to me but not how you may think. Posting numerous selfies or looking for internet drama is not why I'm into social media, however, one of the many paths in life require me to be active on social media. All in all, if someone were to look into my mind they would see how these three areas mean something to me."

"When I think about someone "looking into the mind of a teen," I think of social media, makeup/appearance, and cell phones because they all connect to status. For a teenager, status is very important. We are always subconscious of our appearance because we always want to look good. Looks can be influential to the character. Appearance is one of the many things that give us a higher status. Social media is important because it shows us who is important. On social media, we post pictures, videos, and statuses that could go viral increasing our status. However, we also use social media to give us information that is useful and entertaining to us. Last but not least, our cell phones are like another important organ in our body. Without social media, our life would not be the same. Our cell phone is how we are kept in touch with the world."

"When I think about someone looking into the mind of a teenager depending on the person if its a female then they will see social media and makeup/appearance if its a male it would also be a social media and cell phones and in some other cases video games. Teens have the tendency to be attached or attracted to social media and they are heavily involved in different forms of social media. I believe that for some teenage females makeup and appearance are a big deal and at times it seems like their whole life revolves around it. But in general, their passions vary by gender and person."

"When I think about someone looking into the mind of a teenager I think about social media and appearance. Nowadays teenagers really care about appearance and the Internet. Teenagers are really focused on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. We are deeply devoted to the internet. Appearances are also really important for us. We care about other people's opinion and thoughts about ourselves. It doesn't matter if what we believe is what we stick to. If someone has an opinion about you that would change your mindset about yourself then it's definitely going to affect you. Teenagers are really devoted to social media and appearances because that is what our world revolves on. "

"When I think of someone looking into the mind of a teen what comes to my mind is social media. I say social media because there are so many kids in my generation who have social media. There are so many kids who are addicted to social media and sometimes cannot get off the internet. This would be the first thing that comes to mind because it has a big impact on them. Appearance is also something that comes to mind. It comes to mind because there are kids who have low self-esteem about themselves being natural so they use things to cover their natural stuff up."

"To look into my mind as a teenager is to see that out of all topics my friends and school dominate anything else. I like the experience of meeting new people and making friends as a teenager. I have a strong desire for social interaction due to my younger years of lacking peers who reciprocated my interests. Now that I am older and more goal oriented I try my best to strive in school and acquire friends who can support my endeavors. My life as a teenager is filled with the thoughts of where I might go with my education and what people I may meet later in life. School in itself is a social experience for me and has taught me beyond standard education and made me grow immensely in a social aspect."

"When I think about someone "looking into the mind of a teen" family and school comes to mind. I disagree with social media, makeup/appearance, and cell phones because not all teens have the money or the time to worry about these things. Back in my country, there's a lot of poverty and teens don't really care about materialistic and fleeting things like possessions and appearances. I think that based on my personal experience the things that mostly occupy my mind are family matters and school. I think these are the two things that have had the most impact on my life."

"If someone were to look into my mind, they'd be looking at my social media accounts. That's where I post everything. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, and how people can keep up with me. Sometimes, I think of social media as a job. I update it so much as if I were getting paid for it. If I see anything that relates to me, I share it. If I feel like something is bothering me, I tweet it. Everything goes to social media, I run to it as if it was my own person diary. If you want to know what I'm thinking, go to Twitter, Facebook, etc because I'm always saying "what's happening" or "what's on my mind".

"When I think about teenagers the thoughts that come to my mind are about appearance. Sadly, nowadays, almost everybody has a stereotype of what girls should look like, and almost every girl has a stereotype of how a boy should look. This brings me to the point where a woman uses makeup to feel better about herself so that she can be seen by society as beautiful, but sometimes they do not notice that they are beautiful just the way they are. I dare any girl who has the courage to stop using makeup (if she does use it) for at least four weeks and see which man will be following her as they use to do it before. Or to upload a picture not showing her attributes to see if she receives the same amount of likes. Sadly, this society is mainly based on appearance and few people have the courage to change it."

"Social media is one of teens' most known hobbies and considered to be a time-consuming activity among teenagers nowadays. The first thing that comes to mind when "looking into the mind of a teenager" is how obsessed they are with social media. Nowadays, teens basically live their lives in front of their smartphones or computers posting everything from what they eat to what they do on a daily basis. Moreover, not only are teens preoccupied with what they post on social media, but they are mostly obsessed with their appearances. This primarily has to do with young girls, who go through anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Instead of looking at themselves holistically, they are pressured into looking at themselves as parts. Therefore, they are more concerned with satisfying the status quo rather than their own self-esteem."