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Students' Responses to the following: Imagine if someone was able to “look into the mind of a teenager”, which one or combination of the following ideas comes to mind: social media, family, school, makeup/appearance, friends, cell phones or something else.

"When I think about someone "looking into the mind of the teen," I think of social media and cell phones because those are out of control in today's world.  When anybody goes through this stuff online they find out lots of information about what teens are into theses days.  Social media can always distract anybody and can cause lots of painful threats to anybody.  Also with cell phones teens are always on social media.   So you can only imagine what every teen is up to these days on their electronic devices.  We must put a stop to this obsession."

Jason F.

"When I think of someone looking into the minds of a teen the two things that come to mind are social media and school. I say this because in today's world most of the teenagers are devoted to being on social media. Social media plays a huge role in today's society and distracts us from a lot of other things that we could be doing instead. I also think of school because in your teen years is when school is the most vital because you're then looking to get into college or beginning to chose the path you want to go down in the future when it comes to how you're going to earn your money."


"As I think about "looking into the mind of a teen" what comes to mind is a combination of social media, family, school, makeup/appearance, friends, and cell phones. Teens in this generation are obsessed with social media, family, school, friends, cell phones, and appearance. "


"When I think about someone "looking into the mind of a teen," I think about appearance. All teens go through a phase where they worry about how they look to everyone. They worry about how their peers will look at them. Do they fit in with everyone? Do they seem cool when doing something? This is what you have to worry about when you look into the mind of a teen."


"When someone states that they will be looking into the mind of a teen they will find various topics. They will find out about all the problems a teen is facing in their personal life.  A teen might be facing problems both in their school environment and at their household with their family. In addition, they will see problems in their social media accounts. The teens in the present day are addicted to social media and there is a competition to see who can be the most popular amongst each other. They may also have problems in their school and academic goals that they have in their life. They may want to be successful and  build a bright future."


"When I think about someone looking into the mind of a teen, I think about their identity. Teenagers find themselves struggling with the culture of having to fit into a certain group. They are experiencing a time in their life where they choose who they are and who they want to become in life It is a very major time in their life. Teens are faced with huge expectations for their future. Pressures from family, friends, and teachers to achieve a never ending goal. As a teen myself, I feel as if teenagers are expected to act as an adult but then treated as a child."


"When thinking of a teenagers mind I'd say the one thing that represents my mind is being successful.  As a young adult in such a critical moment in my life, I am really focused on taking advantages of my opportunities and my overall success. After high school, we enter the "real world" not that the world we've been living in is fake but it's a sugar coated version of reality. Once I walk across that stage I am fully aware of the responsibilities that will be placed on my shoulders. Even though I'm young I want to be independent and be able to stand on my own. These past few years of my life I've been perfecting my skills and gaining all the information possible to prepare me for adulthood"


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"When someone says looking into the mind of a teen the first thing that would come to mind is social media. Social media is such a big part of teens lives today we can't live without it. Some teens even try to make other people a part of their lives by posting everything they are doing like if you are about to eat a meal some teens take a picture of it so all of their followers can see what they are eating."


"Most people who look into the mind of a  teen would most likely think about how much time teens spend on social media.  In today's world, half of the kids are involved in social media or vice verse.  Teenagers are involved in technology more than any other adults.  Some adults do look into other minds of the teen and think about school because they know some teens are very responsible and are doing good in school.  A lot of teens also think about their families as well.  These would be the three main things that adults would see in the mind of a teen."


"When I think about someone "looking into the mind of a teen" the following representations come to my mind. social media, friends, cell phones, and appearance. These ideas are the things that really consume the life of the average teen.  I am a teenager who loves to use social media. Many teens spend 75% of their day looking or posting on social media websites. Friends is another big part of teen life when you walking into a high school you see groups of kids everywhere in groups of kids with their friends.  A cell phone use is always on the mind of a teen because they are always either talking on the cell phone, texting other friends or posting to a social media website. That's what I think when I looking into the mind of a teen  " 


"In today's generation If you were asked what was in the mind of a teenager the most popular response would probably be their phone and social media. Sure, we all know that Teenagers take a very long time putting on makeup and finding the so-called "perfect" outfit to wear, but social media and a phone is like a baby to grown ups. Grown ups usually wake up in the middle of the night because of a newborn child crying, yet teens wake up to the sound of a notification, and of course the first thing a teen looks at when they wake up before getting out of bed is their phone."


"I believe that all teens are unique and different and each has their owned personalities and goals in life. Each has their own strong and weak levels of morals. Being a teen myself I could say that " looking into the mind of a teen cannot be represented by just one topic but instead comes with combinations of all types. And just like an adult and child's mind, a teens mind is very complex and therefore cannot just be explained in an article. Overall a teen's mind to me would consist of all the topics combined, social media, family, school, makeup/appearance, friends, cell phones, and even more."


"When I think of someone looking into the mind of a teen, I think about someone looking into a deep ocean. A teen has a million thoughts running through their head. One of those thoughts would be their makeup and appearance. Teens are always so worried about how they look, or how other people think they look. Or teens are wondering how they can change their look, new hair color, eye color clothes and etc. Another topic that would run through a teen's mind is their friends. Teens always worry about if their friends are true or fake, or really care for them. Teens worry how they can keep their friends or even make some. A teen's mind is a deep ocean of secrets, desires, ambitions, hopes, dreams, heartbreak, romance, change, and the list goes on. However, it is what is inside a teen's mind that makes that teen who they are, and soon who they will become."

Kiara P.

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