Students' Responses to the following: Imagine if someone was able to “look into the mind of a teenager”, which one or combination of the following ideas comes to mind: social media, family, school, makeup/appearance, friends, cell phones or something else.

"When I think about someone "looking into the mind of a teen", what comes to my mind is family because the family struggles to understand the mind of a teen. The family is the one that criticizes us the most because they say were always on the phone, we don't talk, we don't do anything. The family is that one that is looking into the mind of the teen because they are trying to understand them. Social media is another thing that comes to my mind because now teens are attached to social media, they worry a lot about social media all day."

“When I think about looking into the mind of a teen, the very first thing that comes to my mind is social media. We live in a society in which most of the events that happen in our life revolve around social media. Many of the actions that we do or the things we know are all influenced by social media. A great example of this would be the challenges that we go viral. One person does something, another person repeats it, and it goes on and on until it becomes viral, and everyone is doing it. Another thing that comes to my mind is physical appearance. In this society some teens are very conceited or self-conscious, a big part of their day can be spent thinking "What am I going to wear tomorrow?" or "How am I going to do my hair?" , what color eyeshadow should I wear?" It has come to the point, where stereotypes have been set, and many people's imagination has been shot down. As a result, people start looking up to others in social media and start imitating their looks, and it eventually gets to the point where we all look the same. Everyone is wearing the same clothes, same style, same makeup and so on. Why? To fulfill an idea or illusion that others expect. “

" Your self-image is not the same as the image others receive. People will often see you entirely differently than you want them to. No one’s required to see you the way you see yourself, and you probably can’t make them do that even (or often especially) if you try. If you try to insist that they must, the likelihood of you coming across as petulant and unpleasant increases significantly. "
Jason A.

""When someone looks into the mind of a teen they will see that right now in this time of their life most teens care about how they look and what other people think about them. That is why social media is a big factor in most teens life because they let other people see what happens in their everyday life. They need others to approve their life ."

"When I think of "looking into the mind of a teen" school is the first thing that pops in my head. I think of everyday life and the things that go on in school. A teens' day mostly revolves around school. Many things happen in school, from social media, makeup/appearance, friends, cell phones, etc. The school is where you meet up with your friends and get to talk about all of the everyday things, it's like the "meet up" or "hang out" spot. Also, school teaches you how to deal with all the above topics. In my school, we interact with social media, talk about makeup/ appearance, talk to our friends, and use our cell phones during lunchtime."

"When I think about someone "looking into the mind of a teen", social media and appearance come to mind. I feel that's all teens in today's society are too concerned about social media and appearance. As a teen, I feel we start to develop and understand more and some of us tend to overthink situations especially when it comes to social media. But to me, I feel the inside represents the outside for some people and not based on appearance per say but of the character is what I think about. I think some teens act or look a certain way to please others or to make themselves look good. Questions as of to why they need to look and act older than they really are come to mind. Why do they spend some much time on social media which is not always the best influence?"

" In this day and age, nothing but a cell phone or what's on social media matter to teenagers in my opinion. I hate how everyone worries about getting the latest phone just to have it, but they don't want to work for it. Students sometimes depend on their parents to buy the cell phone. Many students are capable of working a part time job and buying a cell phone. If you don't want to work for it, in my opinion you don't deserve to have the phone. Social media literally runs today's society. Company's use cell phones and social media to sell products. My school uses cell phone technology and social media for announcements. I don't think that's fair because not everyone uses social media or has a cell phone. In conclusion, I believe cell phones have caused students to have misplaced priorities."